About Stirling Careers Consultancy

Why choose us? 

The founder of Stirling Careers Consultancy is Alistair Stirling building on 20 years of experience in leisure, recreation, tourism and education.

Alistair Stirling is a registered careers adviser with over 20 years’ experience of supporting clients back into employment. Stirling Careers Consultancy is a member of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry and has a wide network of employers.  Alistair Stirling is a registered member of the Career Development Institute. 

At the age of 50 Alistair retrained at Canterbury Christ Church University to become a Careers Adviser and studied for and gained a Qualification in Careers Guidance (QCG Level 7) and went on to study for an MA in Career Guidance his dissertation title: People Over 50 Facing Redundancy.

He has had an article published in "Career Guidance Todayabout his dissertation work on the over 50s.

"Thanks a lot for the help you've given me so far. Even just asking me to think about my ideal day at work has helped me a lot."

"Thanks a lot for the help you've given me so far. Even just asking me to think about my ideal day at work has helped me a lot."

London Client Working in the Finance Sector

"Thank you so much Alistair! You've been wonderful. I feel it's a good decision also so I'm glad to hear that you agree! Of course, I will complete the feedback survey right away. Thank you again for everything!"

"Thank you so much Alistair! You've been wonderful. I feel it's a good decision also so I'm glad to hear that you agree! Of course, I will complete the feedback survey right away. Thank you again for everything!"

London Client Going to University

“Very interesting and helpful especially the information about branding which was new to me.”

“Very interesting and helpful especially the information about branding which was new to me.”

Local Authority Employee

"Very useful and tailored to our needs and career prospects"

"Very useful and tailored to our needs and career prospects"

London Client

“In the meantime, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your time and support over the past year

“I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your time and support over the past year – I really appreciate it and have always come away from each session with useful tips and ideas and am sure that this will be the case for your other clients needing the valuable support too.” 

Coaching Client, London

Here are just a few reasons to choose Stirling Careers Consultancy:

  • Independent and impartial Careers Advice
  • Careers Professional registered with The Career Development Institute
  • We adhere to The Career Development Institute's Code of Ethics and undertake continuous professional development   
  • Our Careers Interview style is a person-centred approach
  • Alistair has made redundant and changed career and understands the challenges of changing careers
  • Stirling Careers Consultancy will work with you to design a package of Careers support to suit your needs
  • Trained and accredited to deliver The Morrisby Profile a series of psychometric assessments to aid career choice 
  • Stirling Careers Consultancy volunteers four days a year supporting Bromley Education Business Partnership to help young people gain employability skills
  • A member of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • An Affilate Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development

Alistair has a track record of managing a wide range of leisure and tourism facilities before moving into education where he has successfully managed a range of government educational funded projects including Single Regeneration Budgets (SRB), European Social Fund (ESF), Learning and Skills Council (LSC), Neighbourhood Renewal Fund. Alistair latterly worked at Morley College selling bespoke training solutions to organisations in both the public and private sectors.

Alistair Stirling gained a postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies from Teesside Polytechnic. Whilst teaching at Bromley College of Further & Higher Education he gained a Certificate in Education (FE).

Bromley Careers Consultant Alistair Stirling offering careers advice in & around Kent, London

Alistair Stirling is a registered careers adviser with over 20 years’ experience of supporting people back into employment.

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