Careers Advice

Stirling Careers Consultancy specialises in providing independent and impartial careers advice to help you identify your career options.

We will support you in finding the right career for you and identifying the right career path for you.

Alistair Stirling is a qualified and registered careers professional with over 10 years’ experience in helping adults make informed choices about their future career paths.

Careers advice & support

Stirling Careers Consultancy provides information advice and guidance to help people who are:

  • Considering a new career
  • Facing redundancy
  • Thinking about changing job or career direction
  • Thinking about returning to work after a career break, (i.e. having had children or being a carer)
  • Thinking about returning to learning either to re-skill or up skill
  • Ready for a new challenge
  • Looking for education, training or employment opportunities
  • Thinking about starting a new career
  • Thinking about starting a new business

Whatever your need or wherever you are in your career, Stirling Careers Consultancy can help. 

How does a Careers Advice session work?

We will have an initial Free Telephone consultation with you to find out what you are hoping to achieve from a career guidance interview. Then we will agree a date and time to meet either online through Skype or telephone or face-to-face, for those living in London, South-East London or Kent.

We will then send you a brief career discussion questionnaire asking a series of questions to get you thinking about what you want to achieve from your session. This will entail finding out about your previous work experience and thoughts about what has influenced your career thinking to date. We will also ask you to send through your curriculum vitae (CV).

A careers adviser will read through your responses to the career discussion questionnaire posed very carefully and look at your CV to gain an understanding of what you want to get out of a careers session within the hour.

The Careers Advice Interview

The aim of the first part of the interview is to build rapport clarifying exactly what you want. You may have changed your mind or moved forward from when you completed the questionnaire. We want to make sure you get the most value out of a one-to-one careers interview. 

You will work with a qualified and registered careers adviser who does not know you and is not emotionally invested in you but can look at you and your situation objectively.

We can look at you objectively and really listen to you to find out exactly what you are looking for and through working in collaboration with you we can help you move forward.

A careers advice session involves working on a one on one basis with you to find out:

  • What you want
  • What you are looking for 
  • How you are going to find it and
  • Having an action plan for you to move forward

We work through a series of questions to ascertain what you are looking for. We then move on to thinking about how you can take this thinking to the next level.  Very often you may have been mulling over these ideas or lack of ideas for months and in some cases years. Having the opportunity to talk and explain your ideas to somebody can be really powerful and quite uplifting for the individual concerned.

Through using our experience and expertise we can make suggestions of ideas that you may not have thought about or even reframe things that you have already thought about and considered.

At the end of the session you will have an action plan with clear action points with dates alongside to take away and implement. We believe it is important to have dates alongside the action points. Ideas for  action points could be:

  • You are going to go away and find out about a particular career and pathway
  •  You are going to go away and update your curriculum vitae 
  • You are going to start putting a job search plan together

Against each action point we will agree a targeted date for completion.

Stirling Careers Consultancy will follow-up with any necessary research and email it through to you afterwards.

"Very useful and tailored to our needs and career prospects"

"Very useful and tailored to our needs and career prospects"

London Client

"Thank you so much Alistair! You've been wonderful. I feel it's a good decision also so I'm glad to hear that you agree! Of course, I will complete the feedback survey right away. Thank you again for everything!"

"Thank you so much Alistair! You've been wonderful. I feel it's a good decision also so I'm glad to hear that you agree! Of course, I will complete the feedback survey right away. Thank you again for everything!"

London Client Going to University

"Everything went well: my contract has been confirmed and the promotion too. I believe, as we discussed, that we achieved our goal. Thanks for your valuable help and support."

"Everything went well: my contract has been confirmed and the promotion too.

I believe, as we discussed, that we achieved our goal. Thanks for your valuable help and support."

London Client Developing their Career in the Construction Sector

"The course was informative and educational. I now feel positive in planning my career path and next steps"

"The course was informative and educational. I now feel positive in planning my career path and next steps"

London Client

"The advice I received from Alistair was invaluable. After a month working with Alistair I was successful in gaining full-time employment."

"The advice I received from Alistair was invaluable. After a month working with Alistair I was successful in gaining full-time employment."

Client (after a recent career break)

The main benefits of a one to one careers advice session with Stirling Careers Consultancy are:

  • We can look at you career aspirations objectively and really listen to you to find out exactly what you are looking for
  • We will recommend careers to you based on the information you give us
  • You will have an action plan to take away and implement 
  • We will follow-up with any necessary research

What happens if I am not sure on my future career direction and what career for which I am best suited? 

Firstly, we specialise in helping you if you are still unsure of your career direction. We do this by offering you an initial individual tailored career guidance interview to find out more about your  career aspirations, preferences, previous career choices and interests.

We follow this up by offering you the opportunity to undertake psychometric assessments if you are still not sure  about your future career direction or you may need confirmation you are choosing the right career. We are trained and qualified to deliver psychometric assessments to clients.

Cost of a Careers Interview

Private Individual £115
(Per hour Not subject to VAT)

If you are interested in finding out more about our career advice services please contact Alistair Stirling.

Bromley Careers Consultant Alistair Stirling offering careers advice in & around Kent, London

Alistair Stirling is a registered careers adviser with over 20 years’ experience of supporting people back into employment.

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